Good Verbal: the divided feminine talks back
A dominatrix walks into a classroom...
May 18, 2020One Ladyscumbag's descent down the rabbit hole of tort law after getting served by her neighbors
Dear Neighbor
April 30, 2020It can get tense sharing space with those with whom you don't see eye to eye....
Lady Scumbag M*A*S*H
November 14, 2018Everyone loves girl talk! So WOC, what better way to bond with your BFFs than through...
Dog Day Out
April 24, 2018Deanie weanie bouncy ball has been serving Mistress Trinity for over 10 years as a 24/7...
A Day in the life of an OG LSB [NSFW]
April 17, 2018There is a Ladyscumbag who lives within Us all..and this is a document of what happens...
Your Guide to the Pros + Cons of Humping Close to Home
April 16, 2018Think globally, bang locally. One Ladyscumbag finds her "type" after 30+ years on the Earth and...
Shredding Credit Card Offers While a Blowjob is Happening
March 26, 2018Illustration by the author The Year is 2011. Your Taxed Social Security Earnings = $43,006...
How to Fight a Gun with a Bare Hand
March 1, 2018An exercise in imagination for Ahed Tamimi, Anne Frank, and all femmes everywhere young and old...
Paying for it: My first time
January 19, 2018How one sex worker stumbled onto the other side of erotic services and what she learned...
Cumshot Compilation
January 3, 2018Pornhub, privilege, and zombie sluts in Kylie Jenner makeup exploiting the achilles heel of male sexuality.